Foldathon User List
Updates at 35 minutes past the hour
It is currently 23:14 UTC on Tuesday February 11th

Total Sign-ups: 11458
Total with Prize flag: 0

The Completed value beside your OCN username indicates how many Foldathons you have participated in this year. You require 10 out of 12 Foldathons in a year to recieve a Foldathon Badge for that year in your signature.

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Click here to sign-up again

Displaying 11451 - 11458 of 11458<< < # > >> 
RankF@H UserOCN User
PrizePPD 3 DayStartFinishTotal ↓% Total
0Intervention302MOBXXcwJ (0)No00000.00%
667jagdtiggerMOBXXcwJ (0)No00000.00%
0james99gMOBXXcwJ (0)No00000.00%
0JamesonNorthMOBXXcwJ (0)No00000.00%
0JCoffee90MOBXXcwJ (0)No00000.00%
0Jd59192beuvragesMOBXXcwJ (0)No00000.00%
0jdallaraMOBXXcwJ (0)No00000.00%
0JeblasMOBXXcwJ (0)No00000.00%
Displaying 11451 - 11458 of 11458Back to Top<< < # > >>